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Safe Guarding Policy


FUN DETECTORS (company number 12810777) organises metal detecting activities for children on site at:

Beeutiful Oaks

Crondall Road

Crondall GU10

We also hire metal detecting equipment for families to use off-site for a set agreed period of time.

The company has adopted this safeguarding policy and expects every adult employee or volunteer working or helping at FUN DETECTORS to support it and comply.


The purpose of this policy is to protect children and young people who receive any service from us including the children of adults who receive services from us.

FUN DETECTORS believes no child/young person should experience abuse or harm and are committed to the protection of children/young people and this policy is intended to provide guidance and principles to those representing us as employees or volunteers to guide our approach to child protection and safeguarding.


FUN DETECTORS recognises that the welfare of children/young people is paramount, ALL children have a right to equal protection from harm and we acknowledge some children are more vulnerable to harm as a result of their circumstances or prior experiences, communicated needs or level of dependency.


Our events are open to all children of all ages but children under 16 must be accompanied by a responsible adult over the age of 18. Children must be supervised by an adult throughout the activity. No single employee/volunteer will be left unaccompanied with a child (under 18 years).

Young people aged 16/17 years can attend unaccompanied but must show written consent from their responsible adult which includes a mobile number on which the adult is contactable for the duration of the event.

Children under 16 may be left unaccompanied in a group format, for example a birthday party as long as their responsible adult signs agreeing to hand responsibility over to the adult responsible for the party booking, i.e. the parent of the birthday child who must remain on site and take responsibility for all the children attending.

Disclosure and Barring

All adult employees/volunteers working/helping at FUN DETECTORS will have passed a DBS check.

Any complaints of inappropriate behaviour should be reported immediately to Safeguarding Officer Carly Hooper.

Complaints will be taken seriously and investigated thoroughly and reported to the appropriate authorities.

If a child/young person discloses sensitive information to a FUN DETECTORS employee/volunteer we have a duty of care to report that information to the appropriate authorities. This is identified as any information that suggests the child is at risk of harm, in danger or is being neglected. Our Safeguarding Office, Carly Hooper will report this disclosure to Hampshire Safeguarding Children Partnership and seek their professional advice on what happens next.


We will not tolerate any form of bullying by adults or by children. If an incident of bullying occurs at one of our events the accompanying adults of the children involved will be asked to remove the children from the activity and diffuse the situation.

Allegations of adults bullying children will be dealt with seriously and investigated. No single employee/volunteer will be left unaccompanied with a child (under 18 years).

Managing behaviour

Unacceptable behaviour will be challenged by our employees/volunteers and politely asked to stop. If it continues the accompanying adult will be asked to remove the child from the event.


No photographs will be taken at our events without prior written consent from the accompanying responsible adult. If consent is given we will use these photographs on FUN DETECTORS website and social media platforms to aid our publicity and advertising.

Legal Framework

This policy has been drawn up in accordance with the following legislation and guidance:

Children Act 1989, Children Act 2004, Children and Families Act 2014, Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, GDPR guidance, Data Protection Act 2018, Working Together to Safeguard Children guidance.

This policy is reviewed every 12 months.